Hidden Harmony
The concept of xuantong (玄同) or hidden harmony first appeared in the Daoist classic Laozi. Daoism holds that a ruler should practice non-action, adjusting and assisting to enable the natural ways of the people. A ruler should not dictate the criteria for what is considered right or wrong, nor should the people under his rule be targeted discriminatorily based on such criteria. Likewise, a ruler should be consistent in aiding the people and should not flaunt power or higher status. Under the governing principle of non-action, harmony between the people and between them and the ruler is referred to as "hidden harmony."
引例 Citation:
Plug the orifice of cravings, close the door of desires, blunt the sharp edges, resolve disputes, dim one's brilliant rays, blend with the dust on all things, and one will achieve hidden harmony. (Laozi)
推薦:教育部 國家語委
供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社