Be Sociable but Never Form a Clique
與眾人合群但不結私黨,多指以道義與眾人結交而不結黨營私。“群” 指眾人、大多數人,引申指合群,即站在大多數人的立場上考慮問題,謀求公共利益;“不黨”指不搞小宗派、小圈子,即不為私情、私利而結成小集團。其義與“比而不黨”相通。它指示人們要秉持公心,成為有益于天下的人;它是掌握權力而肩負社會治理責任的人所應遵循的政治倫理。
The expression means to be sociable with others in a moral and ethical way, but not to form a clique with selfish interests. Qun (群) here means the majority, and associating with it means seeking the common good. Budang (不黨) means not to form small factions or cliques purely for selfish reasons or private expediency. A similar expression is "be close but not cliquish." This is a principle of political ethics, and those who have power and are responsible for governing should follow it by working for the public good.
引例 Citation:
Confucius said, "A man of virtue should act with dignity and not dispute with others; he should be sociable yet not form a clique." (The Analects)
推薦:教育部 國家語委
供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社